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The Weekly Spark
7 Times the Scale is Lying to You SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day! 100-Calorie Snacks that Actually Satisfy Forget 100-calorie snack packs that leave y
5:22 AM
Care2 Healthy Living
World's 5 Richest Animals, DIY Pumpkin Dog Treats, 10 Clever Halloween Recipes 5 of the World’s Richest Animals (Slideshow) It’s not uncommon for pets to be provided for in their owners’ wills, and many U.S. states now even have statutes concerning pet... read more DIY Glu
4:52 AM
Elizabeth Wells
Re: Activating the energy bank for Patti Jackson……..oops….I forgot to change the subjec Thank you so much, Julianne, for once again bringing such important news to our circle and thanks to each and everyone who understands in her depths what these transitions mean and how critical it is
Oct 28
Ilya Sheyman, MoveOn.org Political Action
Our plan to take back the House Dear MoveOn member, 48—That's how many Republicans are in danger of losing their seats because they shut down the government. 17—That's how many seats we need to pick up next year to take back the
Oct 28
Care2 E-Card Updates
Boo! Have you spooked your friends yet? Send a Care2 eCard today! HALLOWEEN is Thursday, October 31 Send your ecards HUBBLE BUBBLE by Camilla Eriksson CALAVERAS by Camilla Eriksson PUMPKIN PIXIE by Camilla Eriksson JOHNNY TAKES A DARE by Camilla Eriksson WITCHES by
Oct 28
MY M&M'S Brand
Express your love with messages, clip art and photos! To view this email online, follow this link MY M&M’s | 15% off Personalized Milestones GIFTS | FAVORS | BIRTHDAYS | SPORTS | BUSINESS Whether it's your first or fiftieth, My M&M's® are perfect to e
Oct 28
Save 31% and build up your business. Jane Grillo, drive more traffic to your website with new business tools, 31%* off. 24/7 Support: 480-505-8821 Use promo code gd31332p in your cart when you order. *Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes,
Oct 28
Calloway,, Jo Ellen Hancock, Cynthia
[parentmentors_georgia] Parent Mentor Partnership Powerpoint 3 JoEllen, We might all benefit from seeing it, if you don’t mind J Cyndi Cynthia M. White, Parent Mentor Special Education Department The Parent Mentor distributes information that might be useful to
Oct 28
Anne Ladd
[parentmentors_georgia] FW: November is Georgia’s Parent Engagement Month! From: Michelle Sandrock Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 8:37 AM To: parentengagement@list.doe.k12.ga.us; strengtheningfamiliesga@gmail.com Cc: Craig Geers; Anne Ladd; Nathan Schult; stacey.schaff@decal
Oct 28
Shirley Moore
[parentmentors_georgia] FW: VISA for parent Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks if you could respond off the listserv to smoore@glynn.k12.ga.us. Thanks Shirley From: Lauren A. Collier Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 12:49 PM To: Shirley Moo
Oct 28
Tracy Walker
Must-Have Mobile Apps for Education Free Online Event: Discover the "Best of the Best" Apps for Education Whether you have an iOS or an Android mobile device platform, we've found the "best of the best" apps for education, and we're sha
Oct 28
Best of SparkPeople
Say Goodbye to Boring Crunches! SparkPeople advertisers help keep the site free! Today's Feature VIDEO: 15-Minute Abs Workout This core workout will help you strengthen (and stretch) your abdominals, obliques, lower back, and hips--
Oct 28
Need to borrow adult potty chair/ Work and Housing needed! Need to borrow or buy cheap. Adult potty seat for adult man with hurt leg. Please let me know asap if you have one. kevinamy@windstream.net Work/housing needed: Can you put this in an email ASAP? A fa
Oct 27
Yard Sale Saturday Nov. 2 > > Amy, > Will you please pass this along. > > Resurrection Preschool Yard Sale > Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 9am to Noon. > 1755 Duncan Bridge Rd Sautee, GA > > If you would like to rent a booth and sal
Oct 27
Julianne Wilson
Activating the energy bank for Patti Jackson……..oops….I forgot to change the subj Hello Dear Wonderful Women! Remembering our energy bank, I'm asking that we activate it once again in support of Patti (then Seigler, now Jackson) whose mother, Sandra Head, has just passed. The viewi
Oct 27
Julianne Wilson
Re: Activating the Energy Bank for Sherry Perkins.... Hello Dear Wonderful Women! Remembering our energy bank, I'm asking that we activate it once again in support of Patti (then Seigler, now Jackson) whose mother, Sandra Head, has just passed. The viewi
Oct 27
The Upworthiest
Something Sickening Is Happening To Some Of Our Schoolchildren, And You Probably Have No Idea Good morning/afternoon/evening/middle-of-the-night-because-you-had-coffee-too-late-and-now-you’re-wide-awake! ... Er, what were we saying? Oh yeah, go see what we have for you today already! Somethi
Oct 25
Grace Fricks
Of Mice and Moonshine, ACE Opportunities to a 'Maze' You ACE Staff Grace Fricks President and CEO fricks@aceloans.org Bonnie Bowling Chief Operations Officer bowling@aceloans.org Joshua Brackett Chief Financial Officer brackett@aceloans.org Sandy Headley Vi
Oct 25
Linda Young
[No Subject] Jane, Here is the contact information for Mrs. Stephens, and she is very excited to talk with another parent of a child with Angelman. I truly appreciate you helping me make this parent connection. Co
Oct 25
Georgia Council On Developmental Disabilities
FALL 2013 Making A Difference Magazine: AVAILABLE NOW AVAILABLE NOW! Fall 2013 Issue Making A Difference Magazine Click here to view GCDD_Fall2013.pdf On the Cover: March on Washington Anniversary: Interview with John Lewis..... full article, page 22 Fea
Oct 24
Fwd: [parentmentors_georgia] Fwd: TCC College Planning Cohort: College Fair [2 Attachments] Jane, how do you feel about putting events like this on our fb page? From: "MADELINE GRIFFIN" To: "MADELINE GRIFFIN" Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:30:00 PM Subject: [parent
Oct 24
[Parent Mentors] Your username and password Username: jgrillo Password: pmenter343 http://www.parentmentors.org/wp-login.php
Oct 24
Anne Ladd
FW: Website Leadership Council Page From: Anne Ladd Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 12:40 PM To: 'Cynthia.white@barrow.k12.ga.us'; Allison Stevenson; 'Vicki.williams@docoschools.org'; Jodi Mazzolini (mazzolinijp@troup.org) Subject: We
Oct 24
Linda Young
[No Subject] Jane, This is great to know!! I will get the information and send it to you. Thanks so much. Linda Young, Parent Mentor Trion City Schools (706) 734-0724 linda.young@trionschools.org The Parent Mentor
Oct 24
Anne Ladd
[parentmentors_georgia] Bereavement Dear Mentors, I am sad to share the news that Patti Grayson, our rookie mentor in Fulton County, lost her mother on Monday. Please keep Patti and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Patti Grayson
Oct 23
Michal, Cynthia, Me, Marsha, Grabe,, Abakare,
[parentmentors_georgia] Can you post this to your parent mentor list and help me figure out wh at to do? 9 You are kidding me. Surely one could not be so callous. Please find the head of that department then find the person over them. Report the whole incident and please ask to see their manual on protocol
Oct 23
Multi-family Yard sale this Friday/Sat > Yard sale Friday and Saturday 10/25-26 hwy 129s going toward Gainesville, past Clermont but before Quillians corner. Signs will be up. Men's, women's, kids, household, 2010 dodge 2500 w/ Cummings di
Oct 23
Julianne Wilson
Making your acquaintances! Martin and Jessie, meet Jane! Jane, meet Martin and Jessie! I have spoken to both of you about connecting - hoping some information/ideas/encouragement/etc may come of it. And some good-hearted connec
Oct 23
Anne Ladd
[parentmentors_georgia] FW: LAST CHANCE for Early Registration at the 2014 GA Family Engagement Conference! There will be two sessions presented by parent mentors! From: Michelle Sandrock Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11:14 AM To: Michelle Sandrock Subject: LAST CHANCE for Early Registration at the 2014
Oct 23
Anne Ladd
[parentmentors_georgia] FW: REMINDER: Tools for Life Webinar: Understanding Your Options: A Tour of Clicker 6 and WriteOnline - Thursday Oct 24 @ 3:0 From: Tools for Life [mailto:liz.persaud=gatfl.gatech.edu@mail72.atl31.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of Tools for Life Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:01 AM To: Anne Ladd Subject: REMINDER: Tools for Life
Oct 23
Anne Ladd
[parentmentors_georgia] FW: Enhancing School-Home Relationships Through Student-Led Conference Webinar Recording See below for a revised link to a recording of this morning’s webnar: “Enhancing School-Home Relationships Through Student-Led Conferences.” From: Michelle Sandrock Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 20
Oct 22
How you helped Mrs. Collins's classroom Mrs. Collins just posted a thank-you letter for Reaching all Students with Adaptive Equipment and Technology: "Thanks to the support and kindness of so many donors, it felt like Christmas in September
Oct 22
Karen Addams
[parentmentors_georgia] Join us for "Thinking about college? VR can help" - A webinar Thinking about college? VR can help Join us for a Webinar on November 7Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/573441682 Calling all high students wit
Oct 22
April Lee
[parentmentors_georgia] Attendance Webinar For those focusing on attendance or dropout initiatives…you may want to register! Making Attendance Matter: Moving from Awareness to Action Wednesday, November 6, 2013 1:00:00 PM EST - 2:30:00 PM ES
Oct 22