ASPIRE to Collaborate
Posted on January 3, 2022, by GAPMP

Meet Kate Carnes in Carroll County
“Last Year I was able to support our district and families in implementing ASPIRE at one of our high schools”
This is about how implementing ASPIRE at our schools can improve a students independence and self-determination. How this will not only assist student’s at school but at home.
Last year, we began to implement ASPIRE in our district. We were able to successfully choose and begin teaching students self-determination skills. I involved parents, provided trainings, and worksheets to start those self-determination conversations at home.
Once families and students began ASPIRE it was amazing to see the changes that were happening. To see and hear how excited students were to be a part of such a great program, learning new skills, and gaining needed experience.
One student still calls to let us know how she is doing and how much she wants to continue working on her ASPIRE skills.
Another student stood up and held their very first presentation. His mom was overjoyed to see all the new skills he had learned at school and new things he began to do at home.
Our high school worked so hard with all the students chosen this past year, teaching self-determination and self advocacy skills.
We are very excited to be expanding to all of the high schools in our district this year.