Bringing Local Agencies Together
Posted on September 18, 2022, by GAPMP
By bringing Voc Rehab and Avita Community Partners together, students with disabiities in Union County were able to increase the amount and hours of supported employment services they were receiving. This made a difference in post secondary outcomes for young adults in this rural northeast Georgia community.
Meet Becky Tracy from Union County

Meet Becky Tracy from Union County
When my son graduated high school I worked with Voc Rehab to establish a new relationship with Avita Communty Partners to help with supported employment.
At first look, VR was only offering 1 day a month for 3 hours of supported employment due to lack of support personnel in our rural area. When I was able to connect the two agencies, they were able to expand and improve the quality and hours of supported employment for my son and several others.
Trevor has worked three days a week with a support person at Chic Fil A for the last five years.