Communication What are We Saying
Posted on August 13, 2022, by GAPMP
Communication: What are We Saying? This presentation will highlight the different types of communication and their function for children. We will explore ways to enhance communication through a variety of strategies parents can use in the natural environment. We will provide examples of the relationship communication has on behavior and social skills.

Florence Bry has been in education for 35 years and joined Georgia Department of Education in February as a Program Specialist. She has taught general education but the majority of her career has been in the area of special education. She started her journey in special education working with high school students on the spectrum but has also taught students with severe emotional and behavioral disabilities. Most recently, Florence has also worked in the area of Transition Services. She views special education as mission work.

Bonnie Morris is a Parent Mentor with Walton County School District and currently the Leadership Council Chair of the Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership. She also works for Foothills Charter High School as a science teacher in the evening. Bonnie and her husband Roy live in Morgan County and have 5 children (a 14 year old and 19 year old quadruplets.) One of the quads, Pauli, has moderate-severe autism with a speech and language disorder. Bonnie has spent many years learning about and attempting various means of coaxing her daughter to use words, signs, pictures and gestures to communicate. Speech and OT are still a big part of Pauli’s life.