Elevator Speech Opens Doors
Posted on July 20, 2021, by GAPMP

Parent Mentors in Action

Meet Dawn Albanese from Gwinnett County
Dawn used the opportunity to give her elevator speech to her child’s case manager which resulted in engaging staff at a school which historically had never worked with her, allowing her to present training and create events which were well attended by parents at that school.
“My daughter was attending high school as a freshman, new school, new staff… I gave my elevator speech to my child’s casemanager: You never know when an opportunity such as this will arise, so it is definitely extremely helpful to have a prepared introduction ready at all times.”
The results of this conversation were rewarding on several levels:
1. I was able to develop connections with a number of teachers and staff at my daughter’s new school.
2. I have embedded myself in the culture of my daughter’s new school and established myself as an engaged, involved parent.
3. I have been able to train and provide resources to a large number of teachers and staff.
4. I have been able to connect for the first time with many families who were in desperate need of training and resources.
5. Most importantly, I was able to develop relationships with staff and families at this school.