Experience to Lead
Posted on February 27, 2022, by GAPMP
Teresa Bruce uses her experiences as a parent and her work in Franklin County Schools assisting families, to facilititate the Transition Collaborative for GLRS Pioneer RESA

Meet Franklin County Parent Mentor Teresa Bruce
I am excited about this opportunity. North GLRS Director Charity Roberts reached out to me and asked if I would consider the role as facilitator/coordinator for our Transition Collaborative. After talking with her about the role and responsibilities, I decided to accept the position.
I will organize any events, facilitate our meetings, and support the schools within our district with any transition needs they may experience.
Hopefully, as a collaborative, we can continue moving forward with positive examples of moving our kids into successful transition experiences by sharing successes and overcoming barriers that every district faces. I enjoyed getting to share our family’s experience and then talk about our transition into life after high school.