GaPMP and P2P – Together We Can
Posted on August 2, 2017, by GAPMP
This is one example of how Georgia Parent Mentors collaborate with Parent to Parent of Georgia. Many parent mentors also complete the training program to be a supporting parent. Here is a story about how that collaboration works. Read about Houston County Parent Mentor Marina Jones and a parent of a child with a disability from the July 2017 Parent to Parent of Georgia Vine Volunteer Newsletter.
Perfect Partners
by Maureen Goldman
Making the decision to relocate is stressful for any family, and even more so when a family has loved ones impacted by disability and/or special healthcare needs! P2P had the opportunity to assist one such family. Megan Grieves and her military-based family lived in another state and were thinking about relocating to Georgia. She called P2P looking for information, resources, and support. One of our Regional Coordinators matched Megan with Marina Jones, a Supporting Parent, who lives and works as a Parent Mentor in Houston County near a military base. Both parents have young children with different, but rare genetic disorders which are medically complex. “We had an instant connection,” said Marina. Marina immediately provided the additional information and support that Megan was seeking. The assistance provided by P2P and Marina had a life-changing impact on Megan’s family. Megan and her family decided to relocate to Georgia. Marina has been volunteering with Parent to Parent for three years and she feels that the experience has been a great education. She’s really impressed with the comprehensive resources P2P offers parents of children with disabilities. She’s also made a friend for life in Megan, a treasured partner in her journey with her son Jonathan. She shared, “To be able to have a parent to speak to who is on the same journey is huge.” And those of us at P2P would say that Marina’s willingness to be such a wonderful resource for another family is equally impactful. Thanks Marina!
The Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership uses respected tools and practices to do the work of building effective family, school, and community partnerships that lead to greater achievement for students, especially those with disabilities. The PTA Standards provide guidance on the work of family engagement. Partnering with Parent to Parent of Georgia is one way parent mentors train families in one of the standards: “Empowering Families – the structure of the family and community engagement system that ensures families are empowered to be advocates for their own and other children, to ensure that students are treated fairly and have access to learning opportunities that will support their success.”
Scroll down to learn more about the Georgia Standards
Visit http://p2pga.org/index.php/support/supporting-parents to find out how you can become a supporting parent for Parent to Parent of Georgia