Kickoff Conference 2013
Posted on August 9, 2013, by GAPMP

September 11-13 in Athens Georgia
This year’s PMP conference at the Classic Center in Athens, Georgia began with you On Your Mark! for pre-conference events on Wednesday, Sept. 11.
At the starting block: Jemellah Coes, Georgia’s Teacher of the Year, an experienced teacher who works to help students with disabilities meet their PR (personal record) by presenting lessons that are “choice-driven, authentically student-centered, and goal-oriented.”
Day two Parents Mentors Get Set with information on topics such as Universal Design for Learning, Youth Mental Health First Aide, Student Led IEPs, and more delivered in four breakout intervals. David Harrell, an adult with a disability who has cleared the hurdles in his path as he shared his one-man show “A Little Potato and Hard to Peel.”
At the conference finish line, Mike Fredenburg, former UGA football player, now a teacher of students with disabilities, reminded us “You don’t know unless you try”; and our Indicator teams met to set the pace to Go back to your districts and engage families in order to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
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