Kickoff Conference 2014
Posted on August 1, 2014, by GAPMP

Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership 2014 Annual Kickoff Conference
Presented by the Ga. Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Supports
The Classic Center, 300 North Thomas Street, Athens, Georgia
September 10 – 12, 2014
Come aboard for the 2014 Annual Kickoff Conference. This year we will be Sailing the 7 C’s as we participate in Leading by Convening: A Blueprint for Authentic Engagement to learn strategies for Collaborating and the importance of Coalescing around issues. We will discuss Communicating effectively with team members and families alike. We will be Committing to use new tools and we will discuss the importance of building Community and Capacity to expand our work.
Our Keynote speakers will inspire you with their stories and we, too, will be Sharing Our Stories (SOS). Come and learn to harness the power of the C’s and set your course to arrive at the correct shore!
Conference registration will be open thru Friday, September 5, 2014
Pre-Conference Fee $20 ~ includes box lunch
Conference Fee $210
Links to registration forms, information on sessions, speakers and other news is coming soon
Those who are interest in attending the Sept. 10 preconference session on Academic Parent Teacher Teams only may register by clicking on the link below:
Scroll down to find:
lodging information
preconference information
Kickoff Conference Agenda
W9 form from Coastal GLRS
Link to Preconference registration
External Links:
Kickoff Conference
Click here to register
Where to stay, amenities and information
PDF | UNCATEGORIZEDPre-Conference Information
Information about sessions
DOCX | UNCATEGORIZEDKickoff Conference Agenda
Who, What, Where, and What time
Learn about Academic Parent Teacher Teams