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FY25 Parent Survey


The new link for FY25 will be available in January 2025.

The link will be posted as soon as it becomes live. 

Here is a parent friendly page on the surveys with supporting documents that you can use for trainings.

Note: Two Optional Questions 

  • Two optional questions will be included as a way of collecting data to support work GaDOE is doing to improve the consideration of these factors in the IEP Team meeting.  They will not be included in the survey calculation.​
  1. We discussed whether my child needs assistive technology at the IEP meeting.​
  2. We discussed whether my child needs accessible formats like braille, large print, auditory and electronic text at the IEP meeting.​

When Parents Ask, “Why do you want this information?

The Georgia Parent Satisfaction Survey helps to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local school and themselves.

The information is gathered as a component of the State Performance Plan, Indicator 8: Percent of parents with a student receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving results for children with disabilities.  The data collected is reported in the Annual Performance Report and on the system profile about each system.  Each state is required to conduct a parent survey collection process to measure parent/family needs and perceptions.