Metro East GLRS gathers Parent Mentors
Posted on November 30, 2023, by GAPMP

The first ever metro parent mentor affinity group was gathered on Nov. 29, 2023 at Metro GLRS. In attendance were: APS parent mentors, Jessica Jordan and Arkishya Anderson, Erin Howlett from Newton County and Doricia Thompson from the Ga. Department of Juvenile Justice. Anne Ladd, Family Engagement Program Specialist with the Division for Special Education Services and Supports Outreach Unit was on hand as well as the group’s host from Metro East GLRS Deborah Greaves
One of the biggest takeaways is the partnership that we are creating. While we work in our own respective districts, it is great to be with like-minded people to share and brainstorm ideas. We truly are a partnership- supporting each other in our roles as Parent Mentors. I also loved the holiday activity resource that Deborah supplied for us to pass along to the families that we work with.
Erin Howlett, Newton County Parent Mentor
This meet and greet focused on conversations themes of Smooth sailing, Helping hand, and Have a plan. Can’t wait for the next one!
Some of the things I found helpful were the ideas we all shared with one another about ways we can get the parents more involved. Things families can do together daily and during the winter break, creating new ways of learning and coming together through activities.
Arkishya Anderson, newly hired mentor for Atlanta Public Schools
The group plans to several times throughout the year.
“The conversation was very robust, as well as the exchange of information about the happenings in each of our school systems and the sharing of ideas. It was also good to reflect on what things we could use a hand with, having a plan and moving toward smooth sailing as we continue to build a collaborative relationship with Deborah Greaves and GLRS.”
Doricia Thompson, “seasoned” Ga. Dept. of Juvenile Justice
Learn more about the Georgia Learning Resource System (GLRS) which provides professional learning and resources to school districts