Start a Parent Mentor Program
If you are a parent or a caregiver of a student who receives special education services and your school district does not currently have a parent mentor, here are three steps you can take right now.
Step 1
Contact the Special Education Director of your student’s school district. To help explain the program, use the video link above or send an email or written letter.
*Please note: school districts may apply for or renew an existing Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership grant annually. Once that deadline is passed, the district must wait until the application period the following fiscal year.
Here is a sample letter you can use to contact your director
To: (Special Education Director’s name)
My name is and I am writing to you to request that you consider beginning a parent mentor program in our school district.
Parent mentors are funded partially through annual grants from the Georgia Department of Education. But, every district hires their parent mentor and determines what family engagement initiatives and improvements will be the focus of their parent mentor’s work each year.
This program has been in existence for over 20 years and over the years the training and experience of parent mentors has grown exponentially.
Please take a moment to learn more about this program by visiting the Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership website www.parentmentors.org
I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this with you further.
Please contact me at
Step 2
Reach out to the Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership’s leadership at the Georgia Department of Education
Step 3
If you think you would like to become a parent mentor for your school district there are two things you can do.
Reach out to a parent mentor in a neighboring school district
Learn more about parent mentors