Disability Related Links

Because parent mentors are parents of children with disabilities themselves, they understand and share a parent’s desire to find the resources and support needed for their children. Parent Mentors have a wealth of information and experience to share with families around the state.
These are a few disability related trusted resources which parent mentors frequently rely on.
Autism Speaks has a whole array of helpful videos for parents:
Please take a moment to complete our Navigating a New Autism Diagnosis Survey.
Highlighted Resources
- Part 1: Video Recording
- Navigating a New Autism Diagnosis Facebook Group
- 100 Day Kit
- The IEP Guide helps parents understand their rights in the IEP process
- Echo Autism Resource Information
Family Support Tool Kits
- A Parent’s Guide to Autism
- A Sibling’s Guide to Autism
- A Grandparent’s Guide to Autism
- A Friend’s Guide to Autism
Online Resource Guide and Directory are tools to help you find autism service providers and activities in your community, including support groups, autism organizations, school information, therapy providers and much more.
COVID-19 Resources: Autism Speaks will continue to update COVID-19 resourcesspeechpathologymastersprogram.com has a new guide on their website: “When to Take Your Child to the SLP.”
GKIDS Readiness Check is a new website which will help parents make sure children are prepared socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically to enter kindergarten. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) has partnered with the Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) in an effort to help both schools and families with the transition to kindergarten.
External Links:
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Resources for Georgia residents with developmental disabilities
Arc of Georgia
Disability Resources
Parent to Parent of Ga
Georgia's Parent Training Center
Learning Disabilities
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
National Resource Center on AD/HD
Resources for people with ADHD
Autism Speaks
Georgia resources for people with Autism
United Cerebral Palsy
Resources for people with Cerebral Palsy
National Down Syndrome Society
Resources for people with Down Syndrome
Epilepsy Foundation of Ga.
Resources for people with epilepsy
LD online
Resources for people with learning disabilities
Fragile X Association of Georgia
Resources for people with Fragile X
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Resources for people with muscular dystrophy
Brain Injury Association of Georgia
Resources for people with traumatic brain injuries
American Association of the Deaf Blind
Resources for people with vision and/or hearing impairments
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Resources for people with cerebral palsy
Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment
Medicaid assistance
Katie Beckett Waiver
Medicaid assistance