What is GAfutures?

Attention Parents:
GaCollege411 is now GaFutures.
The Georgia Student Finance Commission has redesigned the old GaCollege 411 website. They recently sent out information about what’s new:
Here are some resources and other information you may find helpful as you navigate through GAfutures for the first time.
Student Users
If you have students who would like to request their transcript or check their HOPE GPA, they can sign in to GAfutures using their username and password from GAcollege411 then update their account profile, as necessary. If they cannot remember their username and password, they should create a new GAfutures account.
Quick Guides
There are Quick Guides available to provide step-by-step instructions for some of the functions our customers use most often. There are Quick Guides for administrators as well as students.
HOPE & State Aid Programs
The state financial aid programs GSFC administers are highlighted under the HOPE & State Aid Programs tab. Students can access program applications, explore eligibility requirements, view award amounts, locate participating institutions, and find other specific information for each program.
College Search and Scholarship Search
GAfutures includes a national college search and scholarship search to help students explore the many different types of schools as well as alternate ways to pay for their education. Both searches are based on information colleges and organizations submit to Wintergreen Orchard House. If you need to update your information, contact Wintergreen Orchard House directly.