Practical Matters Diaper Dilemma
Posted on October 28, 2013, by GAPMP

By Jane Grillo
White County Schools Parent Mentor
One of the questions I see often on the parent mentor partnership list serve is about funding expensive supplies like diapers.
My 12 year old son is still working on control of his bladder, and we are learning proper transfer positioning and practicing “sit to stand” constantly. Well, daily, but it feels like constantly. Joe’s cerebral palsy makes both getting to, and using the toilet, a challenge for him. We are working on it. When he is successful, we are super proud. But, as the mother of a child with global developmental delays, I celebrate the small successes while simultaneously preparing for his daily care needs.
For our family, diapers for a 50 pound kid are expensive AND, something you can’t just run out and buy at the grocery store. His small frame is too little for adult small diapers and too big for the largest toddler size. So, we have to order them from a specialty medical supply. As you may have already guessed, that makes them more expensive. I am always grateful when the friendly UPS driver pulls into the driveway to bring Joe’s two cases of diapers at the beginning of the month.
For parents who have children that are incontinent and need diapers there are a few resources to tap into.
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities offers Community Living Support funds which can help pay for durable medical goods, like diapers, some specialized equipment not paid for by Medicaid, and a range of services. Go to this link to find out more:
Another important resource for families was offered up by Paulding County Parent Mentor Donna Hampton. It is the Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program. This is a part of the federal Medicaid Act, and is a provision which is meant to ensure that all Medicaid eligible children receive comprehensive and preventative health care services to the maximum extent that Medicaid allows. Diapers are a part of the allowable expenses for children who receive Medicaid although many parents and health care providers alike are unaware of this. Please see the downloadable documents below to learn about EPSDT. Please go to the downloads section below to find the information you need to learn and apply for this program.
It is also possible to pay for diapers through a NOW or COMP waiver (see Medicaid Waivers) . Go to this link to find out more about all the services for people with disabilities provided by this program. https://www.dfmc-georgia.org/resources/documents/NOW_and_COMP_Waivers.pdf
You can also ask your school system parent mentor for resources such as these. Go to the Find a Mentor link on the home page. If your school system has a parent mentor, you will find contact information there.