Stakeholder Input Needed in October
Posted on October 7, 2021, by GAPMP

Share Your Voice! Stakeholder Feedback Sessions – State Performance
Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) 2020-2025
Division for Special Education Services & Supports
From Anne Ladd:
Hello Parent Mentors,
During the opening session on Day 2 of our Kickoff, our data manager, Dawn Kemp presented the data our State Education Agency (SEA) collects from districts and reports on to the USDOE, Office for Special Education Programs (OSEP). She discussed YOUR important role both as a stakeholder and a liaison to families for seeking their input on establishing targets for the indicators.
These stakeholder sessions are scheduled to assist with data collection for setting targets on the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) for the Results Indicators (i.e., Graduation Rate, Dropout Rate, Post School Outcomes) for students with disabilities . Participants will have the opportunity to make comments and complete a survey on the targets.
Three meetings dates are scheduled (see the links below) It is only necessary to attend one.
We hope you will join one of the meetings and invite 2-3 family members you think would be interested in participating.
You can also invite teachers, administrators, (both general and special education) from your district. The group of participants does not have to all attend the same session. Participants can choose one from the 3 at different dates and times.