Summer Resources
Posted on May 15, 2020, by GAPMP

One-Stop for Parents
The GaDOE (Georgia Department of Education,) partners with Get Georgia Reading, DECAL, (Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning,) GPB, (Georgia Public Broadcasting) the Georgia Public Library Service and others to create georgiasummer.org, a one-stop shop for summer learning, feeding, and safety information for parents.
Here are some other links
- Parent to Parent of Ga. This website offers a wealth of information for families
- Guide to At Home Learning. The University of Florida offers resources through the CEEDAR Center.
- Guía para la familia sobre el aprendizaje en casa The University of Florida CEEDAR Center offers a one page guide to learning at home in Spanish.
- GLASS Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services (GLASS) supports accessible library services in Georgia by promoting the use of assistive technology and by providing accessible reading materials to those who, due to a disability, are unable to read standard print.
- East Metro GLRS offers a link to their annual Summer Camp Guide.