Targeting Successful Outcomes
Posted on July 21, 2021, by GAPMP

Parent Mentors in Action

Meet Karen Tharpe from Appling County
Focusing on the PTA Standard for Supporting Student Success, Karen created specific, measurable learning targets to track the success of the families in her target group.
Her trainings are designed to impact graduation rates for SWD and improve post secondary outcomes. She teamed with teachers and helped train them to use the Self Determination Inventory in the ASPIRE toolkit.
She used ASPIRE tools for her parent training and family self assessments to help them track (and her) what they have learned.
These are the learning targets she created for families to answer in order for her to gauge the efficacy of her training.
I CAN identify a least two goals outlined in my child’s IEP and will utilize a planning tool to monitor the progress of those goals.
I CAN identify my child’s interests outlined in their transition plan and will use the graduation timeline to talk and plan with my child to be on track to meet their graduation requirements.