Teamwork, Technology, Time, Bring Results
Posted on September 16, 2021, by GAPMP
Parent Mentors in Action

Meet Regina Lindsey in Johnson County
I collaborate with Vocational Rehab and High School High Tech and community partners and families to help kids get jobs, explore colleges, and see the work place. I have been doing this for a few years now and I am seeing more of my kids get jobs or going to college.
The partnerships I have built with teachers are important because we work together to introduce families to Voc. Rehab and High School High Tech (HSHT). High School High Tech is helping kids learn about some things they can do after graduation. It shows them different colleges and introduces them to the work force. Some kids want to go straight to work and this is where Voc. Rehab helps. We invite them to the meeting and we try to get them signed up.
Since our school district has switched to doing more meetings online we discovered that more students are joining their meetings.
Learning Target
I can help my child identify at least two strengths related to their IEP.
The kids are participating more in the meetings. My FY21 data for my target group showed that kids are participating more in the meetings due to the increase in communication and trainings I offered:
- 57% of students showed up for IEP meetings
- 100% signed up for Voc. Rehab and HSHT
- 50% did the virtual field trips (HSHT)
- 71% reading scores went up
I also noticed families are becoming more and more willing to use tools like Remind 101 and emails and texts. This has helped families stay connected.
Some highlights from the work
- One student doubled up on classes just so she could go to Ga. Southern.
- Some of the kids have won lap tops through High School High Tech.
- More kids are getting jobs or proving the drive to go to college.
Mentoring Moment
I talked to a parent before a referral meeting and they were concerned. I shared my experiences with my middle child. Her child is having trouble with speech and I told her that my son had to go through speech therapy and today he is a high school special education teacher. The parent felt better. I listen to the parent and I go from there on how I should handle it.