2017 Kickoff Conference
Posted on June 30, 2017, by GAPMP

Hats Off to Family Engagement
Pre Conference Session: Weds. Sept. 27, 2017
Dropout Prevention Strategies presented by Sandy Addis, National Dropout Prevention Center
Sept. 27-29, 2017
Coastal Conference Center
Savannah, Ga.
See below for Session Selection Guide to choose what break outs to attend
based on your parent mentor plans
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Accommodations Listing Link
Learn about the Georgia Systems of Continuous Improvement
Here are some helpful Registration FAQs
Do I have to put in a user name and password?
Yes. GAEL is managing the registration for us and this is how they keep track of registrations.
What if I don’t remember my user name and password?
The username is your email address. If you don’t remember your password, use the automated “Reset password” system. If that doesn’t work, call (706-250-4800) or email Pat Myers (pmyers@gael.org) or Ginny Smith (gsmith@gael.org) at the GAEL office and they can reset it.
Do I have to join GAEL?
What do I do if I am registering for more than one person in my district?
Everyone must have his or her own account, so each person must be registered separately. If you are registering more than one person, you need to use the correct email and password for each person and register them individually.
How will I know if my registration is confirmed?
An automatic response is sent to the individual who owns the account to confirm the registration. It will go to the email listed for the account. If you are registering for someone else, the confirmation will go to the person being registered and he/she would need to forward a copy to you. For additional information or questions, contact Pat Myers or Ginny Smith at the GAEL office.
What if I did not register for the preconference session earlier, but would like to attend them?
Email pmyers@gael.org and she will assist you with getting registered for the preconference sessions on Sept. 27.