2020 Virtual Kickoff Conference

Sept. 16 and 17, 2020
Creating A Positive Future
Scroll down for to find links to recorded sessions, handouts and downloadable slides.
Register for the Creating A Positive Future Conference
Best Practices Forum Sept. 15 Recap
The forum participants heard about family engagement in Self Determination training as well as ASPIRE. GaPMP speakers included Anne Ladd, Family Engagement Specialist for the GaDOE with her son Matty who, together, showed a video which featured Jane Grillo, White County Parent Mentor, and her son Joe. Dodge County Parent Mentor Kathy Simmons, showed the work she has done to create and promote the Ambassador program. Franklin County Parent Mentor Teresa Bruce’s daughter Lauren, showed her post secondary life, living independently as an entrepreneur of her own pet sitting business, “Lauren’s Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em”.
Participants also saw many sessions featuring a number of Georgia School districts’ implementation of ASPIRE and the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI).
Feature presentations included GLRS support for the implementation of self-determination initiatives, GNETS, District-wide implementation.
The Self-Determination Inventory will be introduced and information for access provided. The next steps for participation in ASPIREPlus with the University of Kansas will also be discussed. Keynote Speakers: • Dr. Michael Wehmeyer, Co-Director, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities University. Self-Determination and Persons with Disabilities. • Dr. Karrie Shogren, Co-Director, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities University. Embedding the SDLMI within other evidence-based initiatives and across content areas. • Dr. Sheida Raley, Assistant Research Professor, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities. SDLMI Trainer and curriculum developer. Audience: GLRS, Special Education Directors/Coordinators, administrators, transition personnel, teachers of students with disabilities, and parent mentors and district staff participating in ASPIREPlus.
For links to the recorded Forum contact Elise James at ejames@doe.k12.ga.us.
Thanks to Our Partners

Intelligent Lives Movie Kicks Off Festivities
In keeping with the new virtual process for conferences that have emerged post COVID quarantine, parent mentors attended pre conference Watch Parties of a film called “Intelligent Lives”
“From award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib comes INTELLIGENT LIVES, a catalyst to transform the label of intellectual disability from a life sentence of isolation into a life of possibility for the most systematically segregated people in America.
INTELLIGENT LIVES stars three pioneering young American adults with intellectual disabilities – Micah, Naieer, and Naomie – who challenge perceptions of intelligence as they navigate high school, college, and the workforce. Academy Award-winning actor and narrator Chris Cooper contextualizes the lives of these central characters through the emotional personal story of his son Jesse, as the film unpacks the shameful and ongoing track record of intelligence testing in the U.S.
INTELLIGENT LIVES challenges what it means to be intelligent, and points to a future in which people of all abilities can fully participate in higher education, meaningful employment, and intimate relationships. Film length: 70 minutes”
Look here for possible opportunities to view the film post conference
External Links:
Tomorrow's Leaders Today
Recorded Session Link
Community of Practice
Jennifer Anderson
Georgia's Nutshell
Georgia Fruechtenicht
Georgia's Wheel of Life
Georgia Fruechtenicht
Life Course Training
Stacey Ramirez Session 1
Life Course Training
Stacey Ramirez Session 2