PM offers GIFTs
Posted on December 17, 2020, by GAPMP

JoEllen Hancock has been creating new ways of training her Cherokee County PreK families using a traditional tool the GIFT (Getting It Forever Together)
JoEllen shared her basic plan details:
What is G.I.F.T. Organizing your child’s records for school; for life!!
Objective: Assist families with entrance/transition into the School System and the Special Education arena with pertinent information and resources. Help families understand the focus, once entering Kindergarten, shifts to academics.
Preschool to Kindergarten transition is one of the most critical transitions for both parents and students. This training will reassure families of the partnership between families and the School District in a positive manner and promote the team effort.
Timeline/location: Quarterly training sessions presented at Preschool locations. (3 x per year)
Requirements: Training is for families whose child will be entering Kindergarten in the 20-21 School year. A signed agreement to attend all training sessions will be required to show commitment to the investment of time and materials the District will be contributing to this educational process.
Personnel Needed: The Parent Mentor will provide the training. Periodic attendance/assistance may be needed from the Special Education Facilitators. Prior notice will be given for their participation.
Materials: The Parent Mentor will be responsible for providing all materials necessary for this training.
Here are some of the materials JoEllen provided her families:
Using new ways of getting word out, JoEllen tried Eventbrite for the registration. “It is fabulous and free!”
- It has a report feature.
- I can email ALL participants with one mail,
- I scheduled a reminder to be sent out to all XX number of days in advance…..