Pre and Post Survey Overview
Posted on December 11, 2023, by GAPMP

Why do we have to do Pre and Post Surveys for our target group members?
Because we are hired by our local school districts, and we also work for the Ga. Department of Education, we must do work that aligns with Strategic Plan and Federal Indicators for Students with Disabilities . Research based interventions are the basis for all the family engagement work that Georgia Parent Mentors do. It is what makes us different from just asking a parent for help. We train, learn and practice, tried and true family engagement principles relying heavily on the PTA Standards and Leading by Convening.
The Family Engagement Framework, including the Evidence to Practice Guides and other tools will help you create a foundation to train your families on based on what you learn from the pre survey data.
Parent Mentor Tip
I use the questions in the pre surveys to determine what areas I need to train on. I also have used the results of my pre surveys to see what areas of family engagement I needed to focus on and then rewrote the question as a learning target.
Let’s review the questions:
1. My child and I are connected to one or more school or community resources to meet my child’s academic or personal goals.
You could use this question as a learning target to identify what your families have learned after attending a transition or resource fair. Help them see that their participation in an activity like this can help them with finding interests, or planning for post secondary services.
2. My child’s goals are communicated between me and the school regularly to support his/her success.
Are you assisting a family in prepping for an IEP meeting? This question can be a prompt for the family as they prepare their parental concerns response for their meeting.
Take a Peek at the flyer in the picture. It states: In response to input from community stakeholders…
3. My child and I have been informed of choices and decisions we need to make that will lead to high school diploma.
Working on post secondary outcomes for your plan? What resources are available for families to understand graduation requirements, GAA rules, decide if their student will attend school until they age out? You don’t have to be the expert… find out who is the expert in your school district and develop a training or offer this information in some way to families.
4. I am considered an equal partner with teachers and other professionals in planning and making decisions about my child’s program.
Are you working on Partnerships for your plan? What kind of training can you provide to help families learn to be an effective part of their child’s IEP team?
5. My child and I are working together at home using tools provided to us to reach academic and personal goals.
Working on Literacy, or ABC (Attendance, Behavior and Academic Outcomes) for your plan? This is the question that will help you identify the Vital Behaviors families practiced to be actively involved in their child’s education.