Kickoff Conference 2015
Posted on August 18, 2015, by GAPMP

Debbie Gay, director of the GaDOE division of special education services and supports (pictured left) and Anne Ladd , family engagement specialist with the GaDOE (right) stand on either side of Ruth Ryder, deputy director of OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs). They are standing in front of a graphic illustration of the 2015 Kickoff opening session created by Brittany Curry.
The Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership 2015 Annual Kickoff Conference, presented by the Ga. Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Supports, offers parent mentors and directors the tools they will need going from conference to community, taking inspired ideas and putting them into action to improve outcomes for Georgia’s students with disabilities.
Inform, Imagine, Inspire offers participants two days of active sessions on Tuesday, Sept. 22 and Wednesday, Sept. 23 in the Macon Marriott City Center, 240 Coliseum Dr, Macon, GA 31217.
Looking for conference downloads and handouts? Click on the Conference Tools page on the upper right side of this page.
External Links:
Conference Webinar
recorded version